The Sound of Crickets

The fan has worked wonders! I already feel a difference. Ashlyn said there's really not much you can do but open your windows at night and use a fan. I'm glad at least it won't be as miserable tonight. It'll also be some white noise throughout the night because the fan is pretty loud. I'm thankful. TX you can't come sooner. It's 106 in TX but at least they have air conditioned houses!

I really love having all the things from my people right here in my room. If I ever mention specific items it's because it's a shoutout to the those people. They should know that I'm beyond happy to be reminded of them constantly. Is it silly that I wish I could have all my people here in Colorado while I complete my internship? I wish I could just transport them here for the next two months and have them here and then we would all could back to our perspective places. Actually never mind. I want them to always be with me, where ever I go. I miss them and love them infinity times! I dream of being home. Home, where I belong.

Summer heat is radiating but not like TX

There are no crickets singing only silence

The wind does stir and shake and tumble

The clouds are gentle but big and rolling

The curtains gently sway with ceiling and standing fan

My eyes are drooping with summer sleepy vibes

I listen to the whir and hear nothing

Nothing but my thoughts and my pulsing heart

                                                                             🌷  🌷

Persuasion has always been one of my favorite Jane Austin stories and now they just made a new adaptation of it and it came out on Netflix. I watched it on Saturday and laughed many times over it. They made Anne such a funny, endearing and very believable character. I highly enjoyed it. There is just something about how she had to wait 8 years for love. The first time around just wasn't the right time and then 8 years later he came back and it's always captivated me and romanced my day dreamy heart that love can be found anytime, any place. Neither time nor distance can break it apart. 

Here's three songs I've been listening to that I absolutely love and want to share with you. I feel like the words are so poignant and well romantic. A girls gotta dream. Without hope, without dreams, we are just a forlorn puddle.

One dream I have is decorating a house of my own. I do love interior design. I would want to do it with my partner though. I love doing things together. It is a big job though. I love seeing the process though of how they get there and I love seeing the finished product. Just like Molly. She is a pro at it. I have so much to learn from her. It makes my heart so happy though!


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