Santa Barbara

This week, my sister Emma told me to write about a favorite place.  So here it is, the Santa Barbara Beach in my own words.

                                       - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
There was sand in my hair and sand in my teeth.  The mild sunshine beamed, billowy clouds moved across the sky and a fresh, salty gust brushed my bare arms.  It was September of 2011; cool breezes had already begun to blow on the Santa Barbara beach.  The impatient waves slapped the shore and stung my toes.  Though biting cold, it exhilarated me to be so close to the sea.  With a laugh and a glance back at my sisters, I rushed towards an incoming swell.  My navy pencil skirt was soon damp with crystal clear wonderfulness, my brown hair flung into my face and I laughed every time a wave jumped at my hem.  I dug my feet into the damp sand and let the thick, wet mud tell me gently of California tales.

This moment, short as it was, the green seaweed, the crying seagulls, and roar of the sea, gave me a memory that will be with me always.

-Grace Kathleen
(photo by Johanna Ramsey)


  1. I love this! It makes me want to go there with you, Grace. :) -Katie Minter

  2. Thank you. Maybe someday we could meet halfway and visit California. It is a wonderful place. :)

  3. My goodness!! ...who would've known wet mud could tell of California tales? ;) hehe. That line was a surprise that I didn't expect. A pleasant surprise. :) I absolutely love this descriptive paragraph! More! More!!

  4. P.S. When can we expect your next writing piece? Also, I hope you write about me someday. ;) ...just a random idea!

  5. Hopefully sometime next week. I like that random idea of yours. :)

  6. Lovely! How can I get notification of new posts? I don't want to miss a word!

  7. I could email you or you could just check my blog at the end of each week. I'm trying to post my assignments once a week.

  8. Oh Grace, this was just beautifully written! You gave the true feeling when one walks along the seaside, with the sand, the sun, the wind and the waves! Ahhh makes me miss my California beaches! Keep up your great pieces of art! ;)

  9. Well, I did finally figure out how to comment, despite my obvious early onslaught of senility.
    I enjoyed both your pieces. You have a gift for writing and I suspect that during these very challenging, difficult days you'll find that being able to express yourself is a welcome outlet -- if not now then later. When your heart is broken you don't always want to sit down and write about it -- but perhaps in time you may find that gift to express yourself to be a part of the healing process. God Bless
    George Gagliardi


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