Things To Be Thankful For

I miss going to weddings. I haven't been to one in a while and I wish I had one on the schedule. When COVID hit, I remember being nervous to go to any but not anymore. The last one I went to was outside, over a year ago. There was some great dancing. I wish I could go with my special somebody. I've yet to go to a wedding with that person. I've yet to be asked to dance by my special person. One day. I remember at one wedding, there was a person there that I had my eye on and I really tried to let him know I was interested but he didn't take the bate. Haha, his loss.

I really feel like I'm loosing it some days. Everyday this week I've had an emotional crying session. Yesterday, my heart hurt so much that it was literally painful, pressing against my rib cage or so it felt. It's due to my period but also, this usually happens, just not everyday.

If I get through this month and actually finish and move back to TX, I feel like I'll be surprised. It feels like I won't ever be done. It feels strange to think of completing all the things I need to complete. I know it will get done, just like anything else in my life.

Michelle is coming over for dinner tonight. I'm serving turkey burgers with caramelized onions and avocado. I bought a pack of variety beer last month and most of them are really good but there's one that I hope Michelle will help me with because I really don't like it.

I watched the Age of Adeline the other day. I don't know if I liked it or not. I don't know that I would recommend it but it was interesting to watch. It was different. There is a line from it though that stuck out to me. 

The father asked the son. "Do you love her?"

The son said. "Yes."

"How do you know?" The father asks again.

"Because nothing makes sense without her." The son replies.

I've felt this way before. I know this feeling. That nothing makes sense.

If I can just get through these break downs, eat well, manage my pain, do all the things I need to do, I’ll be ok. I feel I’m reaching a point of slipping out of my window of tolerance though. I feel I’m breaking to pieces. At least I’m not eating gluten.

Let’s see. Things to be thankful for. 

My car (oh how I’m thankful for that)

My supervisor (she really is so great)

Dr Julie (she makes everyone’s day better)

A yummy lunch

This blog

A listening ear and watchful eyes

A God who hasn’t left me yet

Recipe for Caramelized onions!

I chopped one onion and sprinkled on pepper and garlic powder. A perfect day for caramelized onions. And then, I’m going to add salt later. And I’m going to add butter and just a bit of olive oil. I like to add both. Please, please buy a sweet onion and not an overripe one. I promise you won’t regret it. Don’t forget, an ounce of love. And an armful of personality. It’s one of a kind. I put tulips or daisy’s on the table and everything is bursting with color and scent and flavor..

I listened to Pieces of Me and  Symphony and Starving because I needed happy music and I thought of the person that always listens to happy music and showed me these songs because she thought I’d need some happy music. I sang at the top of my lungs and thought about how we used to sing together. 

All my love and tears,

Grace Kathleen



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