Dates to Remember

I played Keep Me In Your Heart by Warren Zevon for IDT deaths today. It was a song my classmate used in a practicum class. It brought back good memories of working with her and being a student at TWU. They say that's the best time of your life which I didn't find to be true but I do have rosy hued memories.

I got a new book from the library. Bellman & Black by Diane Setterfield. It's a ghost story but I love how she weaves her tales. I'm waiting to start it when I'm in a good state of mind and can really enjoy it. Last night I tried but my heart just wasn't in it.

I'm thinking a head to some important dates and how I want to celebrate. August 16, is my best friend's and I friendship anniversary. September, there are two birthday's and my sister's baby shower on the 17th. October is my mom's birthday anniversary. I remember a plan to go to Kansas and visit IHOP for her birthday but I think I'm going to save that for another year so that I can go with who I want to. I'm just glad I'll get make her cake and and buy her roses. I'm not sure what I'll do on our friendship anniversary but something special. I think probably get a side car and spend some time reflecting and writing about all the wonderful times we've shared. Maybe I’ll try something new and be brave just like she would encourage me to.

Tonight I'm making Pesto Pasta and doing yoga. I'm writing it down so that it will happen. It's really hard to have motivation for all these things but I know they are important.

What’s left, I need to practice guitar. I really love bar chords. Just kidding you know. After that I need to turn in my notes from the day. For real, love doing that. When something you do starts to become normal, it’s exciting. After that I will cook and do yoga. I really love pasta. Yum, yum you say?..

I did this yoga tonight. It felt really good. My body is so sore. I really need to do more exercise. Ugh though. It's so hard to keep up with. I made my pasta too. It was very good. I even read a chapter in my new book. I feel so sleepy now but it's too early to go to bed. The problem is I started my period so emotions are high and my body is easily fatigued. Oh to being human. 

Side note. I read a chapter in the bible for the first time in a while. John 16:33 is my verse for this week. I really do need the Lord even if I don't want him. I can't do things in my own strength. I just won't get anywhere. 

I thought I might start posting more music videos. I really miss creating things. Sometimes when you remember what you used to do, it inspires you to do it again..

Right now I lit a candle I had in Salado. I really wish I was talking to my best friend again. Late nights, we spent hours talking as she walked the streets of her home. If it were as it was. Oh how talking to her rested my soul.  The moment, right then when I was crying my eyes out. It was now and she wasted no time to encourage me..

My heart to yours,

Grace Kathleen



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