Today I CAN

Today taught me something. We are all human and we fail. Utterly and entirely fail. Falling far and hitting hard.

Today I thought. I cannot do this anymore. I can't possibly go on. I have fallen far and hit hard and I don't know how I'm gonna pick my self up again.

My eyes were red and puffy from crying, my body weak from standing and my heart torn into a million pieces.

The amazing thing was that through this immense grief, I had this unexplainable peace that grew stronger with each tear that fell. The thoughts that crowded in, though they tormented, I knew the answer before the "why did it have to happen to me" question was asked.

Somehow the Lord was pushing me to greater heights. That no matter how heart wrenching the moment was, He was enough and wouldn't let me be shattered to pieces by the fall.

Today has been much suffering so I won't go into a lot of detail but the one thing I can say is I now know I CAN do this. I CAN possibly go on. I am going to pick my self up.

If you are in this place of debating giving up on what ever you're struggling with, please reconsider. I promise there is more ahead, more beautiful things than you know. And they are just waiting for you to reach them. You will reach greater heights than you have fallen and you will be light as clouds.



  1. Love you so much, sweet sister. I want you to know how very proud I am of you. You are climbing mountains and I promise, even though it hurts so much right now, your muscles are getting bigger and stronger!!


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