When You Turn 21

Wow! So May is here already! So much has happened. Emma has graduated from Steven F. Austin and is moving to Raleigh, North Carolina and James graduated from UT Arlington. I'm so proud of them.

Attending Emma's graduation really made me think though. Watching tearfully as she walked the stage made me realize, how much I wanted to walk the stage too, working hard towards a degree till the finish. I've done a lot of exploring, a whole two years in fact, with much fear and wondering. Doubt seemed to wait at every corner and everything I put my hands to seemed of no purpose. But than all the sudden, the Lord began to work His magic and weave thoughts and ideas into my mind that I had never really considered before.

And here it is, the life plan that I so desperately wanted a year ago. I know, that if I hadn't lived this year just the way it happened, than I would not be ready to take this step now. The Lord had the plan all along and it encourages me to know that every step I'm taking today is building me up to the place I will be in the following years to come.

I've applied to two colleges in Denton, TX; University of North Texas and Texas Woman's University. What degree you ask? Well, I'm rather shocked myself because I never saw it coming. Some people did, like my Aunt Robin and others but here it is. A Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and than I will probably go on to get a Masters in Counseling. At this point I have a goal but I'm leaving it in the Lord's mighty hands. I've never been so excited and scared for the future at the same time. I had to share this new found life with you.

If you happen to read this, keep me in your prayers. I want to live a life ever so close to the Lord. To walk in his light and grace and to know how much I am loved. Even when the doubt closes in I will have no fear because He is near. I'm pretty sure that is a song. :) Thanks be to God!

Joyful blessings!

-Grace Kathleen


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