Unthinkable Love

Sometimes life seems trivial. All the little things suddenly become unimportant. It was late and I was sitting on the leather couch at my eldest brother's house, folding clothes. "I love folding clothes," I was thinking to my self. The babies upstairs were crying. Such a familiar sound I let it blend in with the fan whirring, my baby brother lounging on the couch watching a tv show and the soothing sound of my sister n' law's voice, telling her children it was time for bed.

And than out of nowhere it hit. Life is so trivial. Why do we do anything when in the end we will all be in heaven doing nothing? That's how it felt. Why were we created? How is it fair that we are so unimportant and the Lord is so important that we have to worship him? I know this sounds harsh but I believe that sometimes we do have to ask these questions, get them out of your system so they no longer become a question.

Doubt is a strong device to make us unsettled and unsure. I do not really have a answer but I do know one thing. Give that doubt to the Lord the minute it enters your brain. Say, I don't care how unexplainable this life is, how crazy it seems, I will choose to believe in the unimaginable.

Just last night I was tossing and turning, unable to sleep. The Lord spoke some words that have lingered all through the day.

I love you.  Do not be afraid.  Be still.  Worship me.  Praise me.

It is always this simple. No matter what. Just stop and breath and know that He loves you like no human being could ever love. And that is why you live. That love that He offers so freely, is yours and it is unthinkably beautiful.


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