Monday (but not)

Today was not a Monday at all. It was a beautifully cold, cozy day with coffee and sweaters and delicious soup. It was a quiet day at work. Hardly anyone came in for coffee. You'd think because it was so biting cold that people would want something hot to drink but I guess not. With the few people that did come in though, my coworker Kelsey happened to make all of them and I manned the cash register. I caught my self really wishing to have been the one to make them. I realized how much I love pulling espresso shots and steaming milk. I love seeing as customers smile as they get their coffee and warm up to their barista. All it takes is a warm smile or an understanding remark that applies to them. I love blessing them in that way.

As a side note, I'm already listening to Christmas music. I've caught the holiday spirit already. I'm in love! :) I'm not a bit ashamed at all.

Have a beautiful holiday season!


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