Ode to the Rain

It was a torrential downpour this morning. I woke to the bushes scraping at my window and distant thunder. I snuggled further down in my covers not wanting to break the spell that held this moment in place. Rainy days are my favorite to wake up too.

By the time I was out of my first class and sitting in my second preparing to take a final, the early morning light was darkened with stormy skies. Through the windows it were as if night had come early with the rain slamming against the building.

After the final, I glanced out the stairwell window and could see how strangely violent it had become outside. Slanting downwards, the rain streaked across the air, drenching trees and people and cars in its wake. It was quite the picture. It was then I was glad I had braved the wet, humid, weather so I could stand in this moment, in front of the elongated window, pressing my face against the glass to watch with childlike wonder at the beauty of rain. To catch a smile from the one professor you are intimidated most by and to share a word with her, where she wishes you to stay dry and warm and not to brave the outdoors. I did however have to brave the outdoors once more. Hunched up in my rain coat with my bag secured underneath, I made it to yet another final.

With an hour to spare before work, I spent it eating lunch, curled in corner of a study room, on the third floor of the library. When making my way down stairs the sun was out, deeming its self worthy to shine. In just a few hours it will be 6 pm and I will get to bask in its glory.

Ode to the wonders of God's creation.
Ode to a beautiful day.

Also this evening I am auditioning for the worship team at my church. I feel like the rain is bringing new beginnings.



  1. Such beautiful writing from such a beautiful person.

  2. Well written and it has a nice mood to it. By the way, this George Gagliardi -- ogleman is my google name.


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