
Image result for typewriter painting
SO I just wanted say, although she never posts anymore, you must visit my sister's Emma's blog. I was reminiscing and was brought to tears by the power and beauty from God in which she writes. I know she is far away, working ever so hard for her Master's, ever so diligent in seeking the Lord, loving those around her and far away with a passion, that she doesn't have time to write just because she feels like it but only writes because she has too. Her blog though is a testimony of how the Lord has touched her life and continues too. I think of her daily and how much I love her and I hope with all my heart she lives life to the fullest, drawing closer to Him, and stays inspired by the miraculous gift she has.

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This is for you.

From childhood, we've grown up two very different people.
I still remember those precious moments when we would sit and talk passionately about our shared love for writing. You would give me tips about mine and I would ooo and awe over yours.

Oh gosh we would have our bouts and I was so stubborn but you never stopped loving me through it. To this day I continue to be stubborn but you still love me through it. Remember that day when I was brushing my hair and you mentioned I had missed a spot? I was determined to prove I didn't need correction and reported back to you that my brush was of so much quality that it always brushed my hair perfectly, or something to that effect.

Have I told you how thankful I am for you in my life? I know I don't tell you nearly enough but you are a treasure to me. You have such compassion for people and have such a desire to be there for them and to love them. I find that sometimes I have no patience for people and yet you never give up on them. You always speak highly of them.

Every time I think of where I want to be in life I think of you. You have faced all odds to follow your dreams. My whole reason for starting this blog was a school project but you brought the life and inspiration to write for the joy of it and for the beauty of it. Thank you Emma for this.

There are so many ways in which I wish I could describe your importance in my life but for now I will end here. Just know I love you with all my might and cannot wait to see how your life flows and brims over with many wonderful things.

       Your Sister


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