Winter is Here

It's taken awhile for the cold to set in, mainly just mildly chilly days with lots of warm sun to completely wipe away the breath of winter that was trying to speak. Honestly, I love the change in seasons. Without the transition, we can't enjoy the joy in receiving spring when it comes because one day just dissolves into the next without notice. Now that winter is finally here with each day bringing frosty windows and chapped hands, I can look forward to Spring coming, bringing forth a different sun then the one that glares off of bare trees and crunchy grass.
Image result for winter is here painting

The new school semester approaches in just over a week and I find myself looking forward with hesitation. Last semester was tough and though it was good as well, I feel my head already spinning with all I have to do. I started last semester with many new changes, a new school, a new job and two, new, but wonderful roommates. Now a new year is here I begin to wonder what many more changes will ensue. 

I started reading my old posts and saw how immature I was but also how the Lord transformed it into maturity. He's good at that if we let Him. I don't mean to be reflective but when you're sitting at the circulation desk in the library for almost five hours a day without much to do but stare at the wall you do start to reflect on your life. Students will start to filter in next week for sure and the busyness will start.

Here is a list of my New Year’s resolutions. I find writing things down helps me to remember and stick with things. These are in no particular order, just writing them down as they come to me.

1.     Study harder (last semester I saw great improvement then the times before and my goal is to keep improving.)
Image result for scripture bullet journal2.     Make my home environment a clean and organized place to be ( I've always been a lazy person but doing little things like making my bed, putting away my clothes and doing my dishes right after I use them as made such a difference to how I start or end my day. I want to keep working towards making this a habit I keep.)
3.     Being daily about reading my bible, journaling and seeking the Lord with every opportunity I get (I once told somebody that I felt that my relationship with the Lord was just fine and that I didn't have to work on it. That's just plain blasphemy against God in my opinion, who I am to say that I have no more work to do. I will always need to pursue Him and pray and humble myself before Him.)

4.     Perfecting my driving skills (Nobody likes to be in the passenger seat while I'm driving and I want to fix that ha-ha. Last year I worked on not speeding and now this year I want to work on stopping and turning with more grace.)

These things are possible with the Lord because I've seen the improvement and the change. Anything you ask for can come to pass; you just have to wait for them. Gosh what a year! Here’s to many more seasons passing and changing and to the Lord who will continue to grow and change me.

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