The Beauty of Having a Relationship with the Lord

I am reading this book by Elisabeth Elliot called Passion & Purity. At first I was hesitant because relationship books can all fall into the same category. Here's how to fix this, here's what you need to do, here's a few scriptures to back what I'm saying. It seemed a waste of my time. My coworker and friend who lent me the book spoke so highly of it though that I decided to give it a try.

First of all, the chapters where so short and sweet, I read 10 of them without blinking and secondly, the content was so straight forward and nothing like I've read before that I instantly connected. I think too it was coming from a women's perspective where as other books were written by males.

This book has shown me what it means to be single but also what it means to be married. My roommate once asked me, while we were sitting on cold bleachers watching her boyfriend play soccer, if I thought I might be viewing the idea of marriage more important than the actual person I was crushing on. At the time I can say I truly thought I wasn't but now I realize how much I really was. I wanted the comfort of companionship, having someone to come home to, to share life with, to learn, to grow with, even to fight with but I didn't really care who the guy was. I was crushing on nearly every guy who paid attention to me. I had no self-esteem or confidence in the Lord; I was not looking for godly relationships but for love and acceptance. 

The thing about marriage is it is divinely for the purpose of being better together then apart. The Lord is working in me as a single person and there will always be more growth that I can gain from being single but maybe one day He will send someone to grow with. Above all else I don’t want to rush the process. All I know is there is so much more the Lord will show me in my life time and I can’t wait.

Thank you for listening.

       Grace R.


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