Winter: A Time To Look Forward

Today is new day. It is always a new day. It never was not.

I like to think of the winter as a time to access things. You've had new beginnings in Spring, a regretted Summer event soon after, the Fall is the struggle to regain focus on was is priority but the Winter is a time to seriously think about what went wrong and where you are going from there.  I feel that I'm there now. Looking back and wanting to move forward.

It's ok to look back but it's not ok to regret. What's done is done and you don't have to feel bad about it. Know what went wrong and what you would do differently but pick up the pieces and move forward with hope.

Sometimes I look back and wonder why something happened the way it did but than I remember that I was praying and seeking the Lord the entire time. Maybe yes, it could have happened differently but if I asked the Lord to be apart of my struggle than you can be sure He was there the whole time. There is no need for regret.

I love the Lord so much and my desire is to follow Him and that's what I've been doing. Give your self a little love. Don't let Satan tell you, you are not enough or that your life doesn't matter. Yes you are human, and yes you fall down but the Lord is there to pick you up again and He love's you soo much.

-Grace Kathleen


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