Get Up And Go Out In The World!

Today I realized I need a reason to get up in the morning. I believe that reason was given to me. The world needs to be blessed with my wonderful presence. I have so much to give and offer people in the world. I need to get up and go and do and be.

Today I learned that there are things I need to do. I am a Peaceful Powerful. I know my peaceful side all to well, so now I need to tap into my powerful side and do the hard thing. It's going to suck, it's going to go against everything my flesh wants but it is what God has called me to do. I feel it so strongly. Not because it was declared fervently to my face but because deep down inside I know it to be true. How am I going to do this? I have no idea. But God will show me, day by day.

How many times is it mentioned in the bible? Get up! Cross the valley, go out against the army! Don't just wait around for things to change, move when the Lord says move.

Tomorrow is a new day. Let's do this!

With love,
         Late Night Resolutions


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