And Let's Start Again

Have you ever had a conversation with somebody you least expected to and it be the most profound thing? I had one of those today. I was at work and my coworker and I were sitting down trying get some homework done in a quiet space.

"Have you ever had one of those moments when you have this feeling, a really like strong feeling that you are very sure about?" I questioned, trying vaguely to get out the words tumbling in my brain.

"Like a gut feeling?"

"Yes! A gut feeling."

We began to share. Expectations were at the root of it. We both agreed that if you have a gut feeling, don't doubt it but don't bring along expectations with it. People may tell you their thoughts on the matter but ultimately it is your decision. I believe that these feelings come from the Lord and we can trust them but be wary of creating an idea along with it and hoping it plays out just so. Give that gut feeling back to the Lord and say "I trust you Lord."

It was so good to hear another opinion and through the eyes and mouth of someone so different than me but so alike. I find getting to know people the most amazing thing. We two have worked together several times but I feel like tonight marked our friendship. Sometimes the Lord is so good when He surprises us like that. I feel like I learned that maybe being open to new things that might be different than I imagine can be just as wonderful!

Oh and by the way, here is a poem I wrote today. To me it's mainly just a string of thoughts that I put together in one piece. Read and interpret it however it strikes you in the moment. :)

A Poem To The Poet
By Grace Ramsey

Soap and carpet and air freshener 
Birds chirping briskly, cows mooing woefully
Breath in, exhale 
The fresh air filters through an open window 

You are making a drink, pouring the espresso, adding thick dark chocolate and stirring. As the creamy steamed milk rises to the top, you pull back the carafe a fraction and slice the top with the point of the pitcher, making a defined heart. 

The door bell jingles, you look up and….you wake your self up and realize you had been day dreaming.

Tap, tap, tap 
Keep it up, keep up this false pretense that you are succeeding in not thinking of him.

Bitterness against the rough, dry surface of your tongue
Laughing sardonically to your self, you hope the mild puff's of wind outside knock him over 

Wind chimes clink together
Sleepy eyes draw together hoping for sleep

You sit and stare into the future and wish it be what you dream


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