When the Lord Surprises Us

Getting ready for my last final has not been easy. In fact I couldn't even think about it until the day before because of all my other finals. Wednesday night, feeling rather emotional after my first ever piano jury, my music buddy and I rewarded our selves by eating a steak dinner at BJ's and then going home for a long needed two hour nap. It felt really good but then of course we didn't want to study for our music literature final so we procrastinated. We skipped out on it for another two hours and went grocery shopping with my roomie. It was super great but got home knowing it was time to settle our selves down and really study. By then it was two late to actually make the dinner we wanted to so we ate sweet potato chips, drank black coffee, and got down for the long haul. After studying all our previous tests we began on the power points our professor had sent us.

It's funny the Lord's timing but all the sudden we got into deep conversation, about past hurts, present joys and how the Lord is always faithful no matter what. "Ok back to studying" I said after a break in the conversation. But pretty soon we were back again, crying and laughing and wondering at the pain and goodness in our lives. I praise the Lord for how he works. It was a needed talk and so powerful in the way that it healed out hearts. Not to the point where it won't ever hurt again but to the point where we have hope.

Although we stayed up till 3:30 in the morning because of the needed distraction, we finished our goal in studying and I think I'm on a high from it because I'm not a bit tired. Sometimes things come as a blessing in disguise. It's a reminder from the Lord. How much do we trust Him, how much are we willing to give up to His control and how much are we prepared to undertake for the love of the Lord to be fully ours. 


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