A Life of Musical Therapy

It's funny how things will change in what seems like a split second, but really has been gradually evolving over time. I used to come to this blog to ramble and mourn and give a detailed narrative about the wonders of my life. I found it therapeutic and necessary for my life to function. Lately, I find I don't have anything to write about. Of course I do have things to write about, but my desire to write about them have left me. Now all I want to do is sit at the piano, strum on my guitar or sing a melody or two. Even in my darkest times, music is my greatest comfort.

Writing will always be a joy but now as I delve into the world of music therapy, I'm realizing how valuable it is for me to practice it for myself. Singing to the Lord or putting on worship music rapidly calms my spirit. Though it's not a long lasting fix, it reminds me in the moment what I need to keep my eyes on. Jesus.

My daily goal as of late is to practice my three instruments once per day. Guitar, piano and voice. Although I don't have a natural talent for the guitar, a new enjoyment has come from spending time learning a new song, rusty as it is and feeling that with every song I learn, the closer I am to growing my skill. It's a good feeling.

After discovering this amazing tea while on a trip with my sister in North Carolina, I've found a new strength in my voice quality. Since moving to Denton my allergies have been tenfold. Not only my allergies but also leading to intense sickness that would last for whole months at a time. I would take all the medicine, Zyrtec, vitamin C, cold medicine, nose spray, garlic, but still, my health and my voice were languishing under the strain. Now I have a new love for singing because I don't have to worry about dry, scratchy vocal chords or short, painful breaths. The Lord is good to say the least.

All this say, when you find that degree to pursue that inspires and pushes you to better yourself because you love what your doing, then you've found it. It's been a journey but I'm thankful to be here and to have pushed through to see the fruitful vines the Lord is pruning me to be.


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