Simply Now

What you can't see, is what you deny repeatedly

What you can see, is what you wish to come true

What you think you want, is not always what you need

How come when you really know what you want, what you need is what you get?

Life throws you twisters like this and if you really want an answer, let me tell you, people don't have the answer, only the Lord does.

When you're overwhelmed and can't focus on one thing, you just want to stop and talk and rant, or scream or cry and shout, give your self a break.

It's ok to feel this way but move on. Don't stay in a place of absolute denial or angry humiliation. You will get through it (speaking to my self), the Lord always brings you through it.

This is simply now, not forever, not always, just right now. It will be ok.

-A word from me


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