My Best Friend

I figured out something today. And of course it has been staring at me for quite a while but I chose to ignore it. My heart was not open nor ready to try but today all the sudden it was as easy as breathing.

I was sitting in the dark of the living room trying to finish the last bit of homework. Sometimes you get this feeling of unsettledness and you can't seem to concentrate. Tonight I had it. I knew at that point the Lord was calling to me. I set aside my computer and drew my legs up in a cross legged position. As I had once heard in my small group, I placed my hands, palms up, on my knees and began to pray.

My wonderful father in heaven
I give you everything
My life
My desires
My all
I know you are calling me and I don't want to miss it.

Over and over He said be still, be still. I got chills up and down my spine but at the same time felt all warm and loved inside. I felt His presence surround me like a warm blanket or tender hug. How could I ever replace this with anything else on the earth.

It has not been easy to get to know the Lord. I felt He was too distant to be real. But in this moment and several moments in the past month I have felt Him to be so alive in me that my heart overflows.

I wanted to share this moment with who ever might be reading this. Thank you Jesus! You are truly my best friend!

-Grace Kathleen


  1. So very beautiful Grace Kathleen! Thank you for sharing!

    1. Thank you Patricia! I'm truly glad you thought so. :) Be blessed!


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