Once a upon a time, just a few hours ago, there was this girl with brown hair and brown eyes. To her it seemed like everyday she faced a decision, sometimes big, sometimes small but always decisions. For her decisions were the worst. She disliked them as much as the flu. Just today as she was praying and reaching to the Lord for some vision, He seemed to whisper something to her. It wasn't about what decision she made but that she make a decision in faith, trusting that He would guide her and close the door if need be. She'd heard that so many times but each time it's like she had heard it for the first time. I guess she just needed to be reminded that everyday.

And all the sudden as she decided on a decision, her whole being rejected it again.

"I don't want to do it. I just don't. I can't. It's too hard."

I think at this point she had better get up and do it or suffer the consequences. She was really good at making excuses for her self.

It's times like this when we draw near to the Lord we realize how exactly silly we are but also how desperately Satan want's us to believe we are nothing. He can do it if we let him but realizing there is someone bigger who can fight for us, is the key to believing in our selves. Just get off the bed and go down stairs and do what ever it is that you need to do. He is there. Let Him be enough.

-Grace Kathleen


  1. Beautiful darling ❤ I needed this this morning. He is so faithful!


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