What Must It Be Like To Be A Gardener?

What must it be like to be a gardener? Outside all day, in all kinds of weather, filling my lungs with grass and sky and flowers. When the rain pours, I can't mind because it's my job, so I trudge on with my task. When the sun comes out I look up and smile and thank the Lord for the warming rays. I dig another hole in the fertile ground and pull weeds and trim the grass and laugh with my buddy. 

What must it be like to be a gardener? In the cool of the morning when the crisp breeze tugs at your clothes and nips at your toes, you gulp down Gatorade, pull on your gloves and set your mind to your work. Grabbing the keys to the mobile cart you spin around campus looking out for withered plants and growing grass. Coming to a stop in front of a leafy pathway, you get out, pull out you leaf blower and blow away till the leaves are in a nice little pile.

What must it be like to be a gardener? Hard work and sometimes monotonous but full of a something else called reverence. Working so close to God's creation we're reverent, we're filled with wonder, we're blessed. We see His beauty everyday and wonder at it and if we don't see it we still sense it and am full to the very tips of our hair because we are His creation. 


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