The Shepherdess

Grazing on the grassy slope of Mount Gale, frosted colored sheep and goats lazily munched and chomped.  The sun tilted it's head in the sky and blushed beet red.  Summer was full on it's way; with every blue sky and blooming flower the day grew warm and humid but beautiful from hurried gusts of wind.

Her back was to a swaying sycamore and her brown eyes caught the sun's fading light and spilled through her warm smile.  Her faded dress bunched over her brown knees as she gazed up into the green giant.  Her eyes glanced back to the slope just in time to see the last wandering animal disappear over the hill.

With a chuckle she took up her staff and followed the straying sheep.  They had not gone far but down a ways to a gliding stream.  Wading in beside them the shepherdess raised her sun browned arms to the sky and let the last beams warm her for the coming cool of evening.  The sheep and goats rubbed against her and let out their song, warmed by her presence and content to have her watching over them.  

The moon rose up into the sapphire sky and everything was still. 

What it is about the way the Lord is always watching over us, His gentle eyes and laughing smile that's makes me feel safe to be me.  This picture reminds me of that when I feel that He is far away.  He often shows me that He is there wading in the deep waters to be by my side if I will only come to Him.  Thank you Jesus for that.  Help me so that I will never forget it.  

-Grace Kathleen


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